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A post-rock, post-punk, indietronica duo from Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, UK - wishes to remain anonymous, for reasons.

The two ‘experienced’ men formed a songwriting partnership in 2024, after having worked together in other bands for a number of years.

Unit plays drums and sings, and Tank plays everything else, and sometimes sings too.

The first album was released in August that same year to quiet applause from a small group of music lovers. Before the year was over, they had written a second album, which was released on 10th January 2025, and have since written album 3, which is halfway through being recorded. There have been numerous singles, an EP and several videos, all kept in-house (literally - everything has been done from their homes, remotely - the writing, the recording, the videos).

“The record (album 1, Borders) always feels like it's on the verge of exploding with energy and kept contained. Berlin-school electronics and dreamy guitars that suddenly swerve into indie rock, thoughtful lyrics that come up close and then fade into the mix for a bit. As you listen you can't quite pin them down, and the ending with its crescendo into fractured sound is a perfect finisher for what I think is a perfect record.” JM Norwood

“Maniacs is a masterclass in building tension. Emotional, existential, musical tension - they're all through the roof by the end. If there’s anything to criticize on this record, it’s that the tension never fully breaks. But the world of which this record is a witness is roiling with unresolved tensions, and there's no release in sight for any of it. This is the state we chose to live in, and why shouldn't we have to sit with that?” Groove Art Universe (Read the whole article here:

“An absolutely incredible debut album! COMBOVER BEETHOVEN is wide beloved across Threads and it's no doubt why. Their songs are infectious and well-written. This album takes me back to 80s British new wave in the best way possible!” Twelve Days in June

The chaps from COMBOVER BEETHOVEN don’t ask for much. Just attentive listening, and the chance to continue. The pinnacle for them is not a major deal and a mansion; they have no loftier goal than their output becoming financially self-sustaining, so they can simply keep doing it.